The BULLY ME NOT FOUNDATION was established in 2016 by Annetta Swift in order to spread the word and resources on bully awareness. It was created to give any student who is a victim or witness of bullying/cyberbullying tools to heighten awareness and speak up.
This foundation will also produce accountability within schools to allow officials to be more proactive in preventing serious incidents of bullying. The BULLY ME NOT FOUNDATION's resources will provide schools with critical information to be proactive in assisting all students who are witnesses, targets and perpetrators of school bullying.
The BULLY ME NOT FOUNDATION strives to provide awareness and resources to equip the youth to stand up against bullying. The BULLY ME NOT FOUNDATION is pledged to assist any student, parent or educator with the opportunity to learn more about bullying and cyberbullying in order to create a safer environment. The BULLY ME NOT FOUNDATION's goal is to take our message globally in order to put a stop to bullying one child at a time. The BULLY ME NOT FOUNDATION is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
The Parent/Student Handbook originated after the Bully Me Not musical play was performed. It is the author's goal and desire to help protect students, and to assist parents and teachers in bringing this epidemic of bullying to a screeching halt. One person is not powerful enough to stop bullying, but if enough people come together we can make a BIG difference in the lives of those suffering from bullying.
Who are these books written for and who will they help? The answer is simple. These books are written to ease the mind of parents, give solutions and protection to students, aid teachers in conflict resolution and shine the light on the bully. We believe these books will assist and make it easier to steer them in the right direction.
Do we have all of the answers? No. However, at the end of the day everyone that reads these books and/or shares them will be made aware of the problems and will be directed to possible solutions to end bullying. Bullying does not just happen in the schools. It happens on the streets of our cities, in our homes, at extracurricular activities, online, on the phone, and in many other places. In order for us to accomplish real change, kids, parents, school staff, community leaders, and legislators must all unite to help find solutions. These books are one way to achieve this goal. Encourage your local school, youth groups and families to use our book as a tool to run their own bully project. This can and will make a tremendous difference in the lives of those being bullied.